Some of you may know that Nick and I moved into a new home over the long weekend. We are still in the moving phase and we are currently between two places. Life should be really stressful right now with packing and cleaning and getting settled but it just isn’t. Pretty much all we feel right now is joy, excitement, and pride. I hadn’t bought anything for the house until this past weekend and as someone who LOVES design, this is the fun part. I am definitely no expert so I will be needing lots of help but I do know what I like.
We are working within a budget (money and time) and using pieces we already have and were kindly gifted by our parents. I’m excited to share this new journey of home ownership with you here on the blog. I took a few days off over the 4th to get settled and tomorrow I’m back to working on art! When I get a second I will share some before photos that I’ve taken so you can see what we are working with. The majority of our plans right now just include paint, tearing down wallpaper, and more paint!
I’m most excited about our living room because the space is filled with light, hardwood floors, and is a blank canvas for the most part. We have a few pieces that have to be included because we already have them. Those pieces include a large vintage mirror, the dresser, oversized leather couch, and two beautiful chairs like the ones pictured above but with leather cushions. I really love neutral decor while bringing in pops of color with the artwork, plants, and accessories. I will be honest, after I finished this mood board, I decided it was way too masculine for me (which is why Nick probably liked it). I’m a little worried about all of the dark leather and wood in the mood board above so I’m going to have to make some tweaks so it has some more contrast and lighten it up a bit. I do have plans to do a hand painted floral line drawing on the largest wall in the family room so that should bring in some more queeni vibes.
All and all, this is going to be a huge learning experience. You wouldn’t believe the amount of ridiculous things I’ve googled so far. I’m so excited to put my spin on this space and create all of the custom artwork a home could ever need (perks of being an artist) but I’m most excited to finally have a place that truly feels like home and share it with my loved ones.
If you would like to follow along, I’ll be sharing more updates on my Instagram stories. You will find the good, the bad, and the ugly over there.
I’m Katie, the brand strategist, designer, dreamer, and entrepreneur behind Artful Brands. Dreamy typefaces, clean layouts, and soft color palettes are my love language— but more importantly designing strategic brands that book.