Good Morning Lovlies! I will admit, this is a first for me…blogging in the morning. Because, well let’s be honest, mornings are rough. For awhile, I have known if I want to achieve success in my business (which for me is being happy and creating work I’m proud of) I need to become a morning person and get to my to-do list right away and today was the day that I finally broke some bad habits I’ve developed.
With breakfast, a shower, and part of my to-do list knocked out already, I’m so happy to be able to make it over to this space and BLOG! It’s amazing what you think you don’t have time for but actually do when small changes are made. This change was really more about mental health for me and starting my day off feeling accomplished. I was having so many thoughts and “what ifs” with my business that sounded something like this: What if I had more time to blog, draw, create work, market myself etc. What if I did those things better and made small changes? Those thoughts really haunt me so instead of having all of these great ideas and convincing myself I don’t have time, I’m making time.
“Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working.” -Pablo Picasso
One of the ideas that I’ve had for a while now was blog design and branding. I’ve done all of my own branding and secretly have done some logo work and branding for other businesses and it’s something I really enjoy. This would be a different direction for me but it definitely makes sense for the direction I want to take my business. I was so hesitant to start because of the what ifs in my mind about my graphic design skills and other doubts. It’s safe to say I silenced all of those doubts when I built this inspiration board last night in the wee hours of the night. I’m so proud of this and I can just see this brand working so well for an established lifestyle blogger. I’m excited to bring my unique background of an illustrator/artist by creating unique touches of hand drawn patterns and sleek, simplified design to branding projects. I built this just for fun but it is definitely something I want to expand on in the upcoming weeks and I would love to customize it to work for an existing or new brand. If any of my blogger/small business babes want to pass this onto their friends in need of a brand refresh or brand identity, I would love that!
I don’t have the details worked out quite yet and this is just the beginning of an idea, but I am so excited to see what visions I can bring to life! Stay tuned for more on this soon and email me if you’re interested in my branding work. The possibilities are endless.
I’m Katie, the brand strategist, designer, dreamer, and entrepreneur behind Artful Brands. Dreamy typefaces, clean layouts, and soft color palettes are my love language— but more importantly designing strategic brands that book.