




What I Need


I’m never going to have this figured out like I would like to and that’s fine. I’m actually not a huge fan of people who have it all together because what is the fun in that? I have gotten through my shop to do list successfully once since opening my shop. ONE TIME. I’ve been doing this for almost a year. Gosh, I wish I had it more together but I am a last second type of person. Maybe I don’t prepare enough. I know for a fact I have a hard time prioritizing things but I am the best at procrasti-working and I make really cool stuff when I get a hunch so I typically go with it. I’ve come up with the coolest ideas when I am supposed to be doing other projects. It’s something I constantly need to work on but at the same time, I will figure it out. That’s how I’ve always been. I will figure it out by myself. I don’t need help….

Turns out, I need help. And I’m not talking about the kind where people come and help me package stuff (although that would be sweet too) I am talking about the kind of help where someone asks me what I do and I mention my jobs but I leave out the artist part and someone chimes in and adds it into the conversation. I need the kind of help that is an email from my handmade bestie Amina from Studio Mucci asking if I want to talk on the phone about my shop struggles. I need people that are accepting of what I want to do and not questioning.

I don’t need anyone to tell me what is good, I’ve let go of the whole needing “likes” on my pictures situation…you can tell by what I’m posting. I need my people. The ones who know my heart and my intentions, not just my shop and my faceless girls. I need someone who is going to give me a pat on the booty telling me to keep chasing that stationary dream no matter how low funds are. I need to work part-time jobs for people who are fulfilling a dream of their own and are genuinely interested in my life (which is exactly what I’m doing). I need people that will be excited for me reach a goal and convince me that I can still get the ones that feel out of reach. I need people that help me focus and prioritize.

I can’t chase this dream by myself. It’s not simple.







I’m Katie, the brand strategist, designer, dreamer, and entrepreneur behind Artful Brands. Dreamy typefaces, clean layouts, and soft color palettes are my love language— but more importantly designing strategic brands that book.


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  1. muchloveilly says:

    I love every bit of this! Cheering you on, girl. Every sacrifice you make for your dream that you love so much is more than worth it! #fistpump

  2. muchloveilly says:

    I don’t know if my comment posted pr not so gonna try this again. 😉
    Loved every bit of this! Cheering you on, girl! Every sacrifice you put towards your dream is so worth it – ESP when you look back to see all you’ve accomplished! #fistpump

    • ryanmkatie says:

      Looking back is so important. I always forget to do it though. I’m constantly looking forward and I forget to pause and go yay for accomplishing my goals. Thank you for reading my blog, encouraging me and being sooooo sweet to me always. I totally look up to you, I feel like you and your dedication to your blog journey is so inspiring to so many.


  3. kelseylange says:

    Girl. It is hard. You’re doing awesome, though. Just think how far you’ve come & keep taking those baby steps. Cross another thing off the list & don’t get frustrated with yourself if it doesn’t all happen in order you had planned. Procrastinators unite.
    What’s even worse is that I’m a perfrastinator. A perfectionist procrastinator. Shoot me. 😉

    Xo, Kelsey

    • ryanmkatie says:

      Procrastinators unite is right! I give myself a heart attack when I do that but it’s the only way I can actually get things done is when there is a deadline looming. You are so sweet and I think you literally followed me since day one and I absolutely adore you for that. Thank you so much for coming on this crazy journey with me. It is sooooooo appreciated.


  4. Alexis says:

    I don’t even remember how I started following you. I know somehow through Instragram. I just wanted to let you know that you are an inspiration to me … and I’m a ‘young’ 41. 😉 I think it is amazing that you realized what you wanted to do and went for it … right out of college! I’m still trying to figure it out.So keep on doing what you do, your love of what you do shines through your work. So don’t let YOU get in the way of YOU. Easier said than done, I know. You will have many bumps along the way, but just as long as you follow your dreams … it will all work out. All of the sacrifices you are making now (working multiple jobs/scraping by) will pay off. Your gift was meant to be shared with the world!
    My biggest advice … surround yourself with cheerleaders. Stay away from and limit time with the naysayers. They have their own issues that have nothing to do with you but are projecting … and ultimately jealous of your talents and ability to follow your dreams.

    • ryanmkatie says:

      Easily my favorite piece of advice I’ve received on this journey so far. “Don’t let YOU get in the way of YOU” soooooo wise. It just struck me and makes so much sense to me. I posted this on my Facebook page awhile ago so I could share your kind words with my other followers. I don’t know who you are but I so appreciate everything that you are. This completely touched me at a time that I SO needed to read these words of encouragement. Thank you for being a cheerleader for me.

  5. angelica c. birch says:

    This is what we all need, girlfriend! Let’s meet in “real life” soon. xo

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Meet Your Brand Artist

I’m Katie, the brand strategist, designer, dreamer, and entrepreneur behind Artful Brands. Dreamy typefaces, clean layouts, and soft color palettes are my love language— but more importantly designing strategic brands that book. I believe in creating a life and a business you love, creativity over competition, and designing with equal parts passion and purpose.




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photos by laura rae photography & grace k beck